Sunday, February 12, 2017

QCPC Board Meeting Minutes_February_6, 2017


BOARD MEMBER ATTENDEES:  Jean Bustard (President), John Hughes (Vice President), Karen Morse (Treasurer), Linda von Felden (Secretary)

COMMITTEE CHAIR ATTENDEES: Susan Jones (Membership), Ruth Maki (Communications), Sandy Veydt (Social)

GENERAL MEMBER ATTENDEES: David Kikel, George Mynatt, Rhonda Sullivan


1.      Meeting was called to order by Jean Bustard at 1:05pm.

2.      Minutes from last Board Meeting (010917) were approved with no changes.  However, new information regarding the St. Jude’s charity tournament will be noted under “Other Business.”

3.      Treasurer’s Report (Karen Morse)

·        Dues collected in January totaled $1,320.

·        Money for tees & hats has been collected but not yet deposited so the amount is not reflected in YTD total.  Monies will be deposited this month and will be included in next month’s report.

·        Question was asked about “Membership Expenses for $100.”  This refers to money for coping membership forms and other information that may need copied and distributed.

·        Currently, there is a total of $14,820.85 in the bank, which does include the $3,500 Reserve Fund.

4.      Committee Reports

·        Membership (Susan Jones) – Club has 284 active, paid members (132 Men / 152 Women); purged 106.  Thirty new members joined in January.  Updated list will be sent to Ruth for website.

·        Communication (Ruth Maki) – Newsletter was being issued on Mondays; changing issue day to Saturdays.

·        Court Management (Jeanne Iannacchino) – Unable to attend; update presented by Jean Bustard.  Larry Hyde will continue to help.  Thanks go to Michael Abruzzo for his assistance; he is moving next week so we will look for volunteers to join Court Management Team.  Court 13 requires cleaning; Jeanie will need to contact Mike Taylor to try to get this accomplished prior to the Firemen’s Tournament, which is scheduled for 02/17/17.  In addition, our balls will need to be removed from sleeves before the Tournament and replaced after the games.  Tournaments supply balls for play.  Also need to contact Mike Taylor regarding additional cleaning/trash removal.  Flag windsock has been purchased to replace yellow flag.

·        Socials (Sandy Veydt) – Valentine’s Day Party will be held on the 15th; registration/players is almost full.  George Mynatt is helping with the Round Robin.  Sandy will contact Lenny Friedman to confirm that he is taking care of the Rodeo Social scheduled for March.  Remaining socials:  April is Mardi Gras; June is Dink Fest; July 4th.  These are held the 3rd Wednesday of the month.  We will ask for volunteers to coordinate these events at the General Membership Meeting next week. 

·        Tees & Hats (Rhonda Sullivan) – Order has been placed, and a message will go out when they are ready to be picked up.  No set-up fee for hats, so they can be reordered at any time.  There is an $80 set-up fee for shirts; would need a minimum of 20 shirts to break even if there is a request to reorder. 

·        Green Valley Sr. Games (David Kikel) – First planning meeting being held evening of 02/06/17.  Should be same format as last year’s games.  Scheduled for March 8-10; courts will be unavailable 7:00am-5:00pm.  We will need to removed balls from sleeves and replace after tournament; some supplies will need to be removed from our storage closet as they will be using the space to store their supplies; someone on the Committee will need a key; tables will need to be moved from ramada to parking area for their use, Mike Taylor will need to be notified to schedule extra cleanup of restrooms and trash pickup.  David Kikel will get an extra key to restrooms in case they inadvertently get locked.  John Hughes has volunteered to help Larry Hyde get things ready.  Merry & Dave Mungo have agreed to take over the Senior Games and will be working closely with David Kikel this year.

5.      2017 Budget (Jean Bustard)

·        Budget was distributed and reviewed.  Approved as is with minor change; Website Management will be reduced from $200 to $50; this $150 will be moved to Education/Player Development, which will bring that total to $989.  Budget will be presented at General Membership Meeting on 02/16/17.

6.      Proposed Addition to Policy & Procedure (Ruth Maki)

·        After discussion, no changes will be made to the Policy & Procedures at this time.

7.      Proposed By-Law Change (Jean Bustard)

·        A third type of club membership (Associated Member) has been approved by Board.  This will be presented at General Membership Meeting for approval.

8.      Player Development and Organized Play (Karen Morse)

·        Lenny Friedman is moving on.  We thank him for his time/expertise in developing the Club and providing instruction (Beginners I & Beginners II).  We will be forming a committee to put together training schedule and guidelines and will be looking for qualified instructor(s).

·        Discussed Intro to Pickleball Class for newcomers, which will demonstrate how to play the game and allow for some practice on the courts so newcomers can decide if they want to join and continue to learn the game.  Will try to schedule this for late-February.

·        Assisted play will continue thru end of March.  Turnout is not as popular as last year.

·        Saddlebrook would like to participate in tournament with our Club.  Need to find out if this is Saddlebrook or Saddlebrook Ranch.  Will be presented at Membership Meeting to determine interest.

9.       Round Robin Update (George Mynatt)

·        Wednesday format continues to be a big success.  Still turning people away.

·        The Friday format (ladder) not as popular.  It will continue for another week, then discuss alternatives at Membership Meeting.

·        A key to storage shed will be given to George so he can keep RR bin at the courts instead of hauling it home every week.  This will allow others to have access should George be unavailable.

10.   Capital Requests (Jean Bustard)

·        Items the Club would like will be presented at Membership Meeting.  Would like to resubmit requests from last year, including an awning and additional lights.

·        A new bulletin board is also needed, but this is not a capital expense.

·        Landscaping needs around the courts and in between Ramada and sidewalk.  Folks are walking through and stepping on rocks; could be hazardous.  Someone has already sprained an ankle.

11.   Status of Storage Shed and Ice Machine (David Kikel & Jean Bustard)

·        Cost of storage shed is more than anticipated.  AAA Landscaping cannot do installation, so proposal has been sent out to bid.  We will not receive the shed anytime soon.

·        Ice machine was ordered January 3rd and is expected to arrive any day now.  Jean distributed a picture of what was ordered.   Once it is delivered, John Hughes, and possibly David Kikel, will get together with Cindy Mahle to be sure it is what we need and that it works correctly.

12.   Agenda for Membership Meeting (Jean Bustard)

·        An on-line survey is being developed to determine what Members need/want from the Club.  This will be reviewed at the meeting.

·        We have a $400 credit from Pickleball Central.  Board would like to purchase a box of new balls (100 balls for $250).  Will talk with Larry Hyde about quantity.

·        Lenny Friedman has asked to be on the agenda.  He will be given 10 minutes at the end of meeting.

·        Will announce The QC Classic Tournament (St. Jude Fund Raiser), scheduled for April 1-2, for levels 2.0 thru 3.5.

·        Agenda continues to be developed.

13.   Other Business

·        Court use during Open Play (George Mynatt) – Continues to be a topic of concern for private groups (4somes) to play during open play without having to rotate/switch partners.

·        Club Calendar (Karen Morse) – A Club Calendar has been created and will be posted on website and included in weekly newsletter.

·        Groups wanting to reserve courts farther out than one week should contact David Kikel.

14.   Date & Time of Next Meeting:  March 6th, 1:00pm, Kino Room

15.   Meeting was adjourned at 3:35pm.