Monday, June 12, 2017

QCPC Board Meeting Minutes, June 5, 2017

BOARD MEMBER ATTENDEES:  Jean Bustard (President), John Hughes (Vice President), Karen Morse (Treasurer), Linda von Felden (Secretary)
COMMITTEE CHAIR ATTENDEES:   Jeanne Iannacchino (Court Management), Ruth Maki (Communications), Susan Jones (Membership)
ABSENT:  Sandy Veydt (Social)

1.       Meeting was called to order by Jean Bustard at 1:00pm. 

2.       Minutes from last Board Meeting (050117) were approved with no changes.

3.       Treasurer’s Report (Karen Morse)
·         Report was distributed and reviewed.  Currently, there is a total of $13,190.55 in the bank, which includes the $3,500 Reserve Fund.
·         Received $40 in Membership Dues.
·         Paid out $302 for shelving for new shed.

4.        Committee Reports
·         Membership (Susan Jones) – Club has 307 active, paid members (146 Men / 161 Women).  Four new members this past month; 51 new since beginning of year and 256 renewals.
·         Communication (Ruth Maki) – Karen Morse will provide new calendar to be posted to website.  Newsletter will be issued as necessary thru summer season.
·         Court Management (Jeanne Iannacchino)
a.       The two timers for lights around the courts have been adjusted; one for ramada, another for parking lot.  Lights on courts can now be turned on at 6:45pm. 
b.       Jeanne priced out wind socks and will be placing an order ($5.95 each for 10).
c.       Players will be asked to put in only 8 balls in each sleeve and any extras placed in other sleeves.  The wind blows balls sitting on top of sleeve, and they end up all over the courts, which could to an accident. If it won’t fit anywhere, please put in “Lost and Found” container, located on the ramada.  Court Management will leave fewer balls in the sleeves to reduce this problem.
d.       We have a total of 96 balls in use; 66 new in April.  We have 100 new in storage.  A box will be placed in “Lost and Found” container under ramada.  Balls that players feel have lost their “bounce” should be put in this box.  Larry Hyde will determine if they should be retired.
·         Socials (Sandy Veydt) – No socials have been planned; anyone wishing to organize one, should contact Sandy.   Next planned social will be October (Halloween).
·         Nominating Committee (Linda von Felden) – Two people have been asked to take over Treasurer; both declined due to personal commitments.  An announcement will be placed in newsletter asking for volunteer.  When group meets in October, a Nominating Committee will be put together for this year’s upcoming elections for VP & Secretary.

5.       Player Development and Organized Play
·         Update on Drills & Organized Play (Karen Morse) – Round Robins will continue on Wednesdays, beginning at 7:00am; signups are from 6:30-7:00am.   We will combine men and women if enough players don’t show up for each group.  Lower courts will be used so players can cool down under the ramada between games.  Courts 1-6 and 13 & 14 will be reserved.  Should all courts not be needed, 5 & 6 can be used by other players.  Drills will continue on Tuesdays/Thursdays at 7:00am on Courts 11 & 12.  Karen has purchased her own ball machine to be used as a teaching tool; the Club voted to supply balls for the machine and/or the old ones taken out of circulation.   Calendar will be updated to reflect summer Open Play will be 7:00-11:00am Monday thru Saturday; evening Open Play on Mondays & Thursdays beginning at 7:00pm.
·         Proposed Instruction Co-Op with GV (Jean Bustard) – Jean & Karen had a meeting with GV to discuss player education.  They conduct weekly orientations during season.  Our Club is much smaller, but we proposed a co-op orientation to be held on our courts, possibly every other week in the afternoon.  In exchange, Carol Hammerly would conduct “train the trainer” seminars so our instructors would all be teaching the same style, using the same language, etc.  We are hoping to get at least 12 club members to volunteer to be instructors, level 3.0 and above.  We would have a schedule of Beginner 1 & 2 classes, plus assisted play.  Jean will put together a proposal for Mike Taylor’s review/approval.

6.       Update on Intercommunity Play at GV – Jean Bustard
·         Going very well.  There has been tremendous turn-out.  Everyone should check it out; especially the 3.5 players on Tuesday evenings.

7.       Review Capital Request Submission – Jean Bustard
·          Jean prepared 2018 QCPC Budget Request based on Board feedback.  Includes in order of priority:  1) Shared cost of pickleball balls;  2) Replace large-sized riprap rock with smaller landscape rock in areas with frequent foot traffic;  3) Install shade awnings over walkway between courts 5-8 and 9-12;  4) Add lighting to courts 3 thru 8;  5) Sidewalk and ramada expansion/improvements.
·         POA Board meets in November to review capital requests.

8.        Date & Time of Next Board Meeting (All)
·         It was discussed and voted on to take a summer recess (July, August, September). 
·         Next meeting: Monday, October 2nd, Kino Room

9.       Other Business
·         Discussed tournaments for next year (2017/2018 season).  They are:
o   The “Blind Date” Pickleball Charity Social -- This will tie in with charity exhibition/clinic with Mark Renneson and Joey Farias.  The Social Tournament will be held on November 11 & 12 (Saturday/Sunday) with exhibition/clinic/lessons on November 13 & 14 (Monday/Tuesday).  Green Valley will be invited to attend.  The local charity will be Green Valley Food Bank (perfect timing before Thanksgiving).
o   Fireman’s Tournament – February 2018
o   Senior Games – March 6-8, 2018 (with Friday as rain date)
o   St. Jude’s Charity Tournament – March 24-25

10.   Meeting was adjourned at 3:00.

Monday, June 5, 2017

QCPC Board Minutes, May 1, 2017

BOARD MEMBER ATTENDEES:  Jean Bustard (President), John Hughes (Vice President), Karen Morse (Treasurer), Linda von Felden (Secretary)
COMMITTEE CHAIR ATTENDEES:   Jeanne Iannacchino (Court Management), Ruth Maki (Communications), Sandy Veydt (Social Committee Chair)
ABSENT:  Susan Jones (Membership)
GENERAL MEMBER ATTENDEES: David Kikel, Scott McLain, Dave & Merry Mungo, Ridge Williams

1.       Meeting was called to order by Jean Bustard at 1:00pm.  New general members were in attendance, and Jean explained the process.  As topics are discussed, they may ask questions; should they have a new topic of discussion they wish to address, they will be given time at the end of the meeting to discuss.

2.       Minutes from last Board Meeting (040317) were approved with one minor correction (date at top was wrong).  

3.       Treasurer’s Report (Karen Morse)
·         Report was distributed and reviewed.  Currently, there is a total of $13,586.90 in the bank, which includes the $3,500 Reserve Fund.
·         Received $160 in Membership Dues.
·         Paid out $195 to purchase 100 new Pure 2 balls.
·         Purchased a $50 Quail Creek gift card for Cathy Palaese, who has been volunteering to teach Beginner lessons.
·         Paid out total of $388 YTD for 4 Club Socials (budget is $100/Social event).
·         Paid out $1400 for the Club’s half of our new storage shed; HOA paid other half plus all the installation.

4.        Committee Reports
·         Membership (Presented by Jean Bustard in Susan’s absence) – Club has 303 active, paid members (144 Men / 159 Women).  There are 9 Associate Members. 
·         Communication (Ruth Maki) –Beginning in May, Newsletter will be issued as needed, since season is over.
·         Court Management (Jeanne Iannacchino) – Fence that was damaged during Fireman’s Tournament has been repaired.   Jeanne is working directly with Rob to have courts cleaned; his current schedule is to clean/blow courts every Sunday (8 in morning / 8 at night).  Courts are washed occasionally, not on a regular basis.  Should courts require extra cleaning, contact Jeanne, and she will contact Rob.  Since the Pure 2 is a much sturdier ball, we need have a process for determining which balls to take out of play.  Will continue this discussion next meeting.
·         Socials (Sandy Veydt) – Next Social is scheduled for May 10th at 6:30pm (desserts & drinks).  No sign up; members can just show up to play.  This will be last social of the season, unless someone wants to volunteer to organize one during off-season months.

5.        Green Valley Sr. Games (Dave & Merry Mungo) – Initial meetings were held with GVR to discuss potential improvements/changes for the 2018 games.
a.       Add another hour of play to allow for more teams to compete.
b.       Days of play will be Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday (March 6, 7, & 8); Friday will be rain date.
c.       QC needs to improve trash pick-up and keeping bathrooms clean.
d.       Extend hours of shuttle service and/or ask for volunteers to provide shuttles once scheduled service ends for the day.
e.       Provide some sort of snacks for sale once food service has ended for the day. And include beer for sale.
f.        For safety reasons, remove rip rap rocks from around Ramada and around courts.
g.       Set up tented area in parking lot (near courts 10 & 11) for registration.  This will eliminate congestion near bathrooms, and Ramada can be used to provide an area where players can relax and get out of the sun in between games.  (Unanimous consensus my Board that this was a good idea.)  QC would be asked if they can provide necessary equipment; will need to be submitted to Mike Taylor for approval.
h.       At same meeting, GV Pickleball representatives discussed a couple of inter-community issues with Jean Bustard & Karen Morse.
                                                               i.      Neither GV or QC Pickleball Clubs receive any monies from Senior Games; all monies go directly to GVR.  Idea presented was possibility of fund raising during the games (i.e., shirt sales, snack bars, etc.).  Before we proceed with discussions, Jean will look into fund raising guidelines for non-profit organizations and need approval from Mike Taylor/POA to see if this can be conducted on QC property.  Board wanted more information before continuing discussions.
                                                             ii.      Another topic of discussion was possibility of setting up sanctioned tournaments for Southern Arizona area.  Tournaments will be held at QC and GV, as they are building 24 additional courts.   This was met with approval from the Board, and Jean will get back to GV that we are interested, but QC would not be ready to undertake something like this for a year or so.

6.       Storage Shed – David Kikel
·         Installation is complete!!
·         Includes 2 steel ramps for rolling large items in/out of shed.
·         David will look into shelving and has approval to purchase them; cost approx. $300. 
·         David will also look into purchasing 2 additional folding tables and has approval to also purchase these (approx. $60/each).
·         The POA paid for all the installation and split the cost 50/50 with PB Club ($1400 each).  POA chose color of shed.
·         Thank you very much, David, for all your time and effort in seeing this project to completion.  To show our appreciation, the shed will be named, “The David Kikel Shed.”
·         Jean will collect all the keys for current storage room.  Only Jeanne Innachinno and Larry Hyde will have keys to this room where the balls are kept.  Keys to David Kikel Shed will be given to all Board members and to David.

7.       Player Development and Organized Play – Karen Morse
·          Drills will continue on Tuesday & Thursday mornings, from 8:00-9:00am, on Courts 1 & 2.  Judy Lyles has been providing valuable assistance.  The start time may change as we get into warmer weather.
·         Round Robin is on Wednesday mornings.  Sign up begins at 7:00, with play at 7:30.  Format could possibly change to mixed play, since our player pool is shrinking.  Time will be adjusted as we get into the warmer months.
·         The skilled level Round Robin on Thursday afternoons has been suspended for the summer months.
·         Purchase of ball machine to be used as a teaching tool for drill was discussed.  Board members agreed this should be presented to general members at the annual meeting in November (approx. cost $900).
·         Mark Renneson will be at QC November 13th; Dave Weinbach will be here December 11-14 for lessons.  Information will be provided in newsletter when event date approaches.).
·         Jean & Karen met with GV to discuss their player development plan for all levels.  They have several tiers of instruction (101, 201, 202), and we are interested in modeling a similar program for our Club.  They have agreed to set up a “Train the Trainer” session so our instructors are all teaching the same way.  Looking to recruit 10-12 of our experienced players so we have a pool of instructors to avoid the same folks doing all the teaching.  Looking to have this up and running by next year’s season (Oct/Nov).  Look to have orientations monthly, Nov-Mar.
·         Calendar is updated weekly and schedule is posted at each court on Sundays.

8.        Proposal from GVR for Reciprocal Intercommunity Play (Jean Bustard)
·         GV submitted a proposal for reciprocal play with QC, and possibly bring in other communities.  Jean will submit proposal to Mike Taylor for approval.
·         One week, games would be at GV, following week at QC.  This is for summer months only, beginning with week of May 30th and ending last week of August.
·         If approved, information regarding schedule, times, sign ups, etc. will be provided via email or newsletter.

9.       Other Business
·         Now that Karen Morse is very involved as Player Development Coordinator, she, with support from the Board, would like to replace her position as Treasurer.   Linda von Felden and Sandy Veydt agreed to be the Nominating Committee and will look Karen’s replacement.  Update will be provided at next Board meeting.

10.   Date & Time of Next Meeting:  June 5th, 1:00pm, Kino Room

11.   Meeting was adjourned at 3:00.