Thursday, October 11, 2018

QCPC Board Meeting Minutes, October 1, 2018

October 1, 2018

October 1, 2018

VOTING BOARD MEETING ATTENDEES:  Steve Shapiro (President), Dave Mungo (VP-via telephone), Jean Bustard (Player Development), Cheryl Francis (Treasurer), Ruth Maki (Communications), Linda von Felden (Secretary)
BOARD MEETING ABSENTEES:  Susan Jones (Membership)

COMMITTEE CHAIRS ATTENDEES: Susie Eckhardt (Social Co-Chair), John Sicardi (Court Management Co-Chair)

GENERAL MEMBERSHIP ATTENDEES: Joyce Butler, Tom Dean, Paul Engstrom, Lenny Friedman, Barbara Galbreath, Sharon Kolarik, John Lehman, Mary Ellen Mencimer, Candy Plumlee, Thom Sharples, Suzanne Sicardi

1) Meeting was called to order at 12:00pm by Steve Shapiro.

2) Minutes from previous meeting (09/10/18) were approved.

3) Treasurer’s Report (Cheryl Francis) – Income for month = $172.00, of which $150.00 was new membership dues.  There were no expenses.  Balance in checking account = $16,093.31.

4) Committee Reports 
a) Membership (Steve Shapiro reported in Susan’s absence) – Total membership = 382 (190 men / 192 women).  Since we will be voting on raising membership dues from $20.00 to $25.00, new membership dues for balance of 2018 will be $10.00.
b) Communication (Ruth Maki) – We own two website domains ( &  Renewal fees for both were $148.00 for 2 years.  Only one is active (.org).  At end of 2-year renewal, we may opt to drop the .com domain as there is no information contained in website.  Newsletter will continue to be sent out on Saturdays around Noon.  We have 5 available Administrators for Sign-Up Genius (Steve, & Jean are current Administrators); Karen Morse needs to be removed as she is no longer a member.  Others may be added as needed.
c) Court Management (John Sicardi) – AAA is not picking up balls that are hit outside courts; Steve will mention this to Mike Taylor.  New nets have been installed on all courts. 
d) Socials (Susie Eckhardt) – Next social is October 17th; check-in at 8:30, play from 9:00-11:00, with lunch following.  Hosted by Joyce Barnes, Barbara Galbreath, & Candy Plumlee, who will provide sub sandwiches.  Newsletter contains information about sign-ups for players & food donations.  Anyone interested in hosting the November & December socials should contact Susie Eckhardt.
e) Organized Play (Dave Mungo) – Dave put together proposal defining prime time and skill-level round robins with court reservation request form.
i) Prime Season:  October through April
ii) Time Daytime: Summer (May-Sept from 7:00-9:00am) / Fall (Oct-Nov from 8:00-10:00am) / Winter (Dec-Mar from 9:00-11:00am) / Spring (Apr from 8:00-10:00am).
iii) Prime Time Evening:  Year-round is 6:00-9:00pm, Monday-Friday, with Open Play on Monday & Thursday evenings on lighted Courts 9, 10, 11, 12.
iv) Club Open Play – Defined as use by Club Members Only; courts cannot be reserved.  However, if courts are not being used by Club Members, they may be used by others but may have to move if necessary.  If the Club Open Play courts aren’t being used, and if other courts are full, then QC residents and guests may use the open Club Open Play courts.  If additional QCPC Members arrive at the Open Play courts and are waiting to play, then the QC residents and guests using the formerly vacant court(s) should release the court(s) for use in Open Play as soon as possible.
v) Reservable Courts:  1-4 and 13 & 14.  Ratio must be at least one Club Member for each court.  Courts can only be reserved for 2 hours per group and limited to 2 courts.  Should outside guests be invited to play, a written list of guests must be provided to Guard House before guests arrive.   Ratio for outside players is 1:4 per court.
vi) Club-Sponsored Skill Level Round Robin:  This provides an opportunity for members to form their own scheduled Round Robins based on skill level.  Participants must have a rating or played in tournaments (non-sanctioned or sanctioned and listed in to be included in group. A link to the new Reservation Request Form (which includes Club Guidelines for operating Skill-Level Round Robins) will be available on website.  It needs to be completed by Club Member organizer, submitted & reviewed by Board before courts can be reserved.  A Sign-Up Genius link to participate will be provided in Newsletter.
The above was voted on and approved by the Board.  Must be noted that Susan Jones was not present and Dave Mungo abstained from voting on portion that pertained to outside guests playing on our courts during Prime Time.

5) Player Development (Jean Bustard)
a) The request to Club Members was overwhelming to assist Jean in player development; 30 people volunteered to help form and organize various committees.  A “Teach the Teacher” meeting was held on September 17th.   There is an organizer plus 8 committee members for each group.  There are clinics/drills for all skill levels (2.5 thru 4.0).
b) Sean will be holding a Rating Session on October 22nd; information will be announced in Newsletter.
c) Kathy Palese will be offering a “Smart Pickleball” seminar.  Attendees must sign up for all 3 sessions and limited to 4 per class; cost = $60.00.  Information and dates will be announced in Newsletter.
d) Helle Spar will be here on November 17 -18.  She will be our first female professional instructor.  She is from Mesa and a tennis pro.  Recently taught at Saddlebrook with very positive feedback.  Weinbach & Renneson are scheduled to come back to QC for clinics/lessons.  Information will be announced in Newsletter.  Board agreed that there is no need to have additional instructors come to QC to teach lessons.
e) Jean requested the Club to purchase an additional 100 orange Onix balls to be used for instruction/drills only; cost $250.00.  Motion was made and approved.

6) Upcoming Tournaments
a) It is our turn to host the Saddlebrook/QC Invitational, which is scheduled for October 25th.  We are in need of 2.5 players.  Steve will make an announcement at his 2.5 drill session to try to persuade players to sign up.  All other levels have been signing up.

7) Other Business
a) Nominating Committee (Suzanne Sicardi & Linda von Felden) – We have been working hard to find volunteers to run for open positions.  However, it appears that Steve Shapiro (President) and Cheryl Francis (Treasurer) will be running unopposed; Kathleen Baker has agreed to be Club Secretary; we will continue to look for Social Chairperson.  Two people have expressed interest in the Communications position (Paul Engstrom & Candy Plumlee).  They will be co-chairs and meet with Ruth to discuss responsibilities.  They can both attend meetings; however, only one will have voting responsibility.
b) Backboard – There has been some discussion with Tennis Club about the Clubs sharing cost of backboard, which would be located on tennis courts.  Board decided not to move forward with this request.
c) Bucket of Onix balls (Jean Bustard) – Suggestion is to have a bucket of new Onix balls available for Club activities (Round Robins, Socials, etc.).  For Club offered events, the organizer would be responsible for bringing out the bucket of “new” balls and putting them away after the event.  This would provide “new” balls for Club events.  After the next event, they would be rotated into the tubes for general play.

8) Next Meeting:  October 29th, Noon to 2:00pm, Mesquite Room (Please note new day & location; originally scheduled for November 5th)

9) Meeting adjourned at 2:00pm