Sunday, March 24, 2019

QCPC Special Board Meeting Minutes
March  11, 2019

VOTING BOARD MEETING ATTENDEES:  Steve Shapiro (President), David Mungo (Vice President), Jean Bustard (Player Development), Cheryl Francis (Treasurer), Kathleen Baker (Secretary)

BOARD MEETING ABSENTEES:  Candace Plumlee (Communications)

COMMITTEE CHAIRS ATTENDEES:  John Sicardi (Court Management)

GENERAL MEMBERSHIP ATTENDEES:  Bill Vollink and Kathy Vollink

  1. Meeting called to order by Steve Shapiro at 11:30 am., at Madera Clubhouse Patio.
  2. This meeting was a meeting to discuss the shade committee recommendations.  The Shade Committee members are Dave Mungo, Steve Shapiro, Bill Vollink, Tom Sharples and Paul Engstrom.
David Mungo gave the committee’s recommendations to the Board, as follows:
3 vendors gave design and  bids to the shade committee, one was a cantilever design that is typical at tennis courts.  It was a great design, but the cost was more than double from the other two bids.
The other two bids were of a sail design, focusing on the middle portion of the length of all upper courts (5 thru 12), forty feet of shade, having sun or shade option. Eight feet high on the South side and seven feet high on the north side, this gives good coverage for all times of the year, as the sun moves across the sky. On the North side, there will be shade but not to the baseline of  play on the courts. The material used has a 10 year warranty, UV material of the highest grade with marine grade thread. Experienced vendor proposed is Air and Shade in Tucson.

As a committee, we are recommending a more traditional style as  the cantilever bid is $27,550 for the upper and lower courts. Air and Sun have a bid of a little less than $12,000 for 40 feet with four 10 foot sail sections with 10 posts.  The other bid for sail shade came in at $22,000. There was also a vendor bid for $55,000 including upper and lower courts.

Steve will get a revised bid from Air and Sun to have additional shade cloth  13 ft wide and to have notches in the poles for a windscreen in the future on North poles.  There would be an additional expense between $12,000 to $14,000.

There was a motion to approve the Shade Sail by Wind and Air was approved.
Also approved was a motion to put $5,000 toward the proposed cost of shade
3.   Other Business
  1. Discussion on times for organized play to follow primetime play with the seasons.
  2. Discussed the pickleball paddle representative for Selkirk, which has an introductory composite paddle for $50 and could give the club $20 out of the $50 sale.  Other reps give club 5% of sales. This would be a fundraiser for the club. We could also have a demo day to try paddles.
  3. Jean has concerns in regards to the shed securityand asked for an update onlights for the court.
Steve will ask in May, regarding the scheduling of lights to be installed on the pickleball courts.  In regards to the lock on the shed, there needs to be more security, as there are 8 missing paddles since the March 4th board meeting.  Agreed to have a keyed padlock placed on the shed. John Sicardi will look into purchasing a padlock for more security of the shed. Instruction paddles will go into the closet room next to the men’s bathroom.

4.   Next meeting - General meeting, Monday 25 at 1 pm at Kino Center.
     Meeting adjourned at 12:30 pm.

March 4, 2019

VOTING BOARD MEETING ATTENDEES:  Steve Shapiro (President), David Mungo (Vice President), Jean Bustard (Player Development), Cheryl Francis (Treasurer), Candace Plumlee (Communications), Susan Jones (Membership)

BOARD MEETING ABSENTEES: ) Kathleen Baker (Secretary)

COMMITTEE CHAIRS ATTENDEES:  Joyce Butler (Socials), John Sicardi (Court Management)


  1. Meeting called to order by Steve Shapiro at 1 pm.
  2. Minutes from the previous meeting (February 4, 2019) approved.
  3. Treasurer’s Report (Cheryl Francis)  Income for month = $1,013.17.   Expenses for the month = $901.14.  Balance in checking account = $23,130.88.
    1. Discussed option of buying Quickbooks versus paying a monthly use online fee.  Motion offered to buy software and purchase a computer, motion passed.
    2. Board to change accounting method from cash to accrual (revenues reported when they are earned).  Motion offered and approved.
    3. Discussion to change preparation of budget by October and approved at the November general meeting.  To be voted on at the General Meeting this month. Need to have at least 38 people at the general meeting to be able to vote (10% of membership).
    4. Pickleball Central has a $163 credit for the QCPC.
     4. Committee Reports
  1. Membership (Susan Jones)  50 new members
  2. Communications/Website (Candace Plumlee)  Will send out emails about corrections in the newsletter when it arises.
  3. Court Management (John Sicardi)  Everything going well.
  4. Socials (Joyce Butler)  Since there is no March Wednesday round robin social, Joyce plans on bringing in snacks for a regular Wednesday RR play.  She asked if all the courts could be available and was noted that courts will be available for the March 13th RR.
  5. Skill-Level Play/Organized Play (Dave Mungo).  A discussion about switching some round robin times, but found that not possible.

     5. Player Development Report (Jean Bustard) Jean presented all that was on her email update and discussed that some of the outside instructors brought in less QC people than outside players.  More paddles are added to have for instruction and that end of the season is the end of March. Questioned if there should be a social to thank instructors. Joyce will look into that.  Jean indicated that there had been no reply to her letter asking Mr. Robson for additional pickleball courts.

     6. Other Business
  1. Court shade vendor information will be available next week.  A special meeting will be held to decide which proposal to accept so the proposal can be presented at the general meeting.
  2. There was a discussion about purchasing an AED machine.  Since the entry guard house has one, it was decided that was close enough.  Candy asked if there is a sign at the courts stating where the AED is located.  It will be researched. Also noted the problem of securing such a valuable piece of equipment.   CPR classes could be offered to PB instructors with cost. GVFD has CPR training for $65 per person, others were noted to be less.  There will be more research on the matter.
  3. The QC POA Finance Committee is noted to be going to make a decision if clubs that are 501C3 can raise money.
  4. General Meeting is Monday, March 25 at 1 pm.
  5. Phil Brule, a nonboard attendee, brought up the issue that there are non-Quail Creek residents playing on our pickleball courts.  The policy was discussed. He suggested that these people that come in should have to pay a fee. He has found that any place he goes outside of QC there is a fee.  It was decided not to discuss charging fee for use at General Meeting because Steve is working through a similar topic with the finance committee and needs time to receive feedback.  The Board noted that there are tax and POA limitations on our ability to raise money from non-QC residents. The Board intends to address the fundraising issue with the POA and has passed policy revisions to promote court availability, especially during Prime Time.  Board will continue to evaluate as demand for courts increase.

      7. Next Board Meeting - April 1, 2019, at Kino Center 1 pm.

       Meeting adjourned at 3 pm.