Friday, August 31, 2018

QCPC Board Meeting Minutes, August 13, 2018

August 13, 2018

BOARD MEMBER ATTENDEES:  Jean Bustard* (President), Susie Eckhardt (Social Co-Chair), Cheryl Francis* (Treasurer), Susan Jones* (Membership Chair), Ruth Maki* (Communication), Steve Shapiro* (VP),  John Sicardi (Court Mgmnt Co-Chair), Linda von Felden* (Secretary)
*         Voting Members
GENERAL MEMBERS:  Lenny Friedman, Suzanne Sicardi

1.        Meeting was called to order at 12:00pm by Jean Bustard.

2.       Minutes from previous meeting (050718) were approved.

3.       Treasurer’s Report (Cheryl Francis) – Quick review of both the June & July monthly budgets.  As of July 30, 2017, we have $17,386.21 in the checking account.
a.        Finance Committee Update (Jean Bustard) – Jean met with Finance Committee on July 8th; 10-12 in attendance from Committee.  Five capital requests were presented:  new nets, lights for courts, shade awnings, and an AED for courts and court resurfacing. Club offered to replace the nets this year; would like to split costs in the future.  Also offered $4000 toward costs of lights or awnings;   The AED for court use is located in the Guard House; a notice will be published in Newsletter.  Committee will provide signs to be posted at the courts.  Committee asked if 4 courts receive lights which ones would they be; Jean replied Courts 5-8.  They also asked questions regarding type of awnings and material used; fabric awnings are costly to maintain & replace; Club will need to research what is available.
b.       Alternate Bank/Credit Union – Steve Shapiro asked about the possibility of switching from Wells Fargo to one of the Credit Unions located in Green Valley; daily minimum balance is less, receive more interest.  Cheryl Francis will look into this issue.

4.       Committee Reports
a.        Membership (Susan Jones) – Club has 366 members (180 men / 186 women); 16 new members since May.
                                             i.            Board discussed and approved recommending raising membership dues to $25/year to cover future expenses.  Proposal will need to be put together to present at the General Membership Meeting scheduled for November 14, 2018.
b.       Communications/Website (Ruth Maki) – Nothing new to report.  It was discussed that the password to get access to member information is available on the website.  Ruth will leave it on for next Newsletter, then remove it with a note to contact a Board Member should anyone need it.  Contact information for Board Members is available on website.
c.        Court Management (John Sicardi) – Asked when order should be placed for new nets and who would install them.  Rob, who maintains the courts, volunteered to help install new nets once they are received.  Steve Shapiro will forward website to John so he can place the order for 16 new nets.  Jeff Morrison recently donated 100 new balls.
d.       Socials (Susie Eckhardt) – No socials scheduled until October.  Should anyone wish to volunteer to organize an event, please contact Susie.

5.       Player Development & Organized Play (Jean Bustard)

a.        Karen Morse sent a letter of resignation.  This leaves us with only 6 voting Board members, and we need 7.  Jean proposed that she would like to resign as President and resume the duties for Player Development, Steve Shapiro would move into President position to complete Jean’s term (thru end of 2018), and Dave Mungo would like to be VP and complete Steve Shapiro term (thru end of 2019).  There were some concerns that Dave is snow bird, but there is nothing in by-laws that officers need to be full-time.  Dave will be here sometime in September for a couple weeks, then gone the month of October, but back again in November.  Steve will be here the entire time Dave is gone should Cheryl Francis needs signatures for anything.  Board voted & approved the changes, effective immediately.  Jean will begin putting together a plan for player development.  Jean is certified to be an instructor.  She would like 12-16 qualified instructors for all skill levels and will put them thru the training course she took in Phoenix earlier this year, to ensure they are all teaching the same.

b.       Jean is working on getting Lee Whitwell here September 22-26, 2019.  She will be the first female instructor to teach at QCPC
c.        Dave Weinbach will be here December 12-13, 2018 for lessons/clinics; Steve will reserve 4 courts each day.
d.       Scott Moore will be here on February 25-27, 2019 for lessons/clinics; Steve will reserve 4 courts each day.
e.        Mark Renneson will be here in March 2019 (dates to be finalized and announced at a later date).

6.       Educational Rating Program (IPTPA) (Jean Bustard) – Jean would like to continue subsidizing the ratings program into next year for new members (associate members can go thru the program, but the Club will not subsidize).

7.       Upcoming Tournaments / Intercommunity (Steve Shapiro)
a.        Summer Intercommunity Tournaments – Games held at QC on Saturday, August 25th, with a Pot Luck party.  Whether GV continues to host for the following week is up to them.
b.       QC  / Saddlebrooke Ranch Invitational – Scheduled for October 25th; we are hosting this year’s event.  Men & women events will be in morning; mixed in afternoon.  Details forthcoming.

8.       Other Business
a.        Form Nominating Committee – Linda von Felden volunteered to put together a Nominating Committee.  Board positions up for re-election are President & Treasurer; these are 2-year terms.  In addition, a new Secretary needs to be appointed; this is a 1-year term.  A notice will be put in Newsletter that if anyone wants to run for any of these positions or be on the Nominating Committee, please contact Linda von Felden. 
b.       Proposal to Change Term of Officers – Jean proposed that the term for officers be changed to September 1 thru August 31, so it coincides with our season rather than the calendar year.  Motion was made and approved by the Board.  This will need to approved by members in the November meeting.
c.        Southern Arizona Sr. Games (Lenny Friedman) – There are concerns with the management of these games and that QC receives no monies from this event.  It was proposed that we should at least be reimbursed for our expenses.  The board agreed and committed to send a memo to Mike Taylor voicing our concerns.  Lenny has made a list of expenses, and Steve will put together the memo to Mike Taylor.  Games are scheduled for March 5, 6, 7, with the 8th as a rain date if needed.
d.       Susie Eckhardt put together a list of observations/concerns she has seen on the courts this summer.  It was not submitted soon enough to get on the agenda, but copies were distributed and they will be discussed/addressed at the next meeting.

9.       Date & Time of next Board Meeting – September 10th @ Noon in Kino Room
10.    Close of Formal Meeting @ 1:53pm