Saturday, November 24, 2018

QCPC Membership Meeting, November 14, 2018

November 14, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 1:00pm by Steve Shapiro, President.  An attendance sheet was passed around to document who attended and that there was an adequate number of members for a quorum to vote on proposed changes.  This will be filed in the book of Minutes.

Steve introduced current Board and those whose term was over and the new Board/Committee members.  He thanked all those who volunteered throughout the year.  QC has 4300 residents of, which 409 are QCPC Members (207 female / 202 male).  Of those, 79 have been rated (USAPA/IPTPA).  In 2018, we had 172 new members.

We have a balance of $15,573.62 in our checking account.  Dues is our only form of income and are looking into possible fundraisers.

Jean reviewed the purpose, goal, and strategy of the Program.  Guidelines for the skills are based on IPTPA Ratings system, while learning in a fun and positive environment.  Each skill level has a team of 8 people, which includes an organizer.

The program kicked off in October this year, with a kick-off meeting in September.  25+ members volunteered to help, with 7 organizers.  Thank you to everyone who has volunteered. 

Lessons, drills, various activities are offered at all skill levels, with the exception of 5.0 players (sorry).  Please sign up for one skill level per week.  Do NOT sign up for a higher skill level because your skill level is full.  We are starting a “wait list.”  If you are unsure of your level, sign up at a lower level.  85% of membership is at 2.5-3.0 level.

We are working on having several professionals come to QC to offer lessons/clinics:
·         Joey Farias & Sean Rickard – TBD
·         Helle Spare – Due to personal reasons, this event is being rescheduled
·         Scott Moore – February 25, 26, & 27; sign-up information will be released to Club members soon
·         Mark Renneson – March 19, 20, & 21

We are already seeing positive results and continue to look for ways to improve/enhance the program.   

The complete presentation and slides are downloaded on the Club website.

ORGANIZED PLAY (Steve Shapiro in Dave Mungo’s absence)
The Board has approved the application/criteria for individual Organized Round Robins.  This is for skill levels 2.0 thru 5.0.   Anyone wishing to start a Skill Level, Organized RR must complete the form and submit to Dave Mungo for approval.

We will find out what was approved at the November 19th POA Board Meeting:   

·         Court lighting / Shades
·         Court resurfacing on a schedule
·         Tightening the fences
·         Purchasing/replacing nets on a schedule

1.       Motion to increase annual dues from $20 to $25 -- Motion was seconded and approved by the majority
2.       Motion to change term of Officers to September 1st thru August 31st – Motion was seconded and approved by the majority (term will now coincide with Season rather than calendar)
3.       Motion to move Membership meeting from February to March, at which time Members will vote officers and budget – Motion was seconded and approved by majority
4.       Board Officers for 2019
·         Board includes 4 voting officers (President, VP, Treasurer, Secretary), each with a 2-year term.  The President & Treasurer take office in odd years, the VP and Secretary take office in even years.  Officers may not serve more than 2 consecutive terms in the office to which he/she was elected.
·         President:  Steve Shapiro for 2019-2020 (uncontested)
·         Treasurer:  Cheryl Francis for 2019-2020 (uncontested)
·         Secretary:  Kathleen Baker for 2019 (any vacancy occurring among elected officers during the year shall be filled for the unexpired term of the office by a majority vote of all members of the Board, with the exception of President, which automatically goes to VP).

Meeting was adjourned at 2:15pm.

A complete copy of the presentation/slide show is available on the Club website.  

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

QCPC Board Meeting October 29, 2018

October 29, 2018

VOTING BOARD MEETING ATTENDEES:  Steve Shapiro (President), Jean Bustard (Player Development), Susan Jones (Membership)

BOARD MEETING ABSENTEES: Cheryl Francis (Treasurer), Ruth Maki (Communications),
Linda von Felden (Secretary), David Mungo (Vice President)


GENERAL MEMBERSHIP ATTENDEES: Joyce Butler, Lenny Friedman, Bill Vollink, Jerry Canaday

1)      Meeting was called to order at 12:00pm by Steve Shapiro.
2)      Because we didn’t have a quorum, the minutes will be approved at the next meeting
3)      No Treasurer’s report for this month
4)      Committee Reports
a)       Membership (Susan Jones) – Total membership = 406 , new Member 24 (201 men / 205 women).
b)      Communication (Ruth Maki) – nothing new.  Candace Plumlee was approved by Steve Shapiro as the new Communications Chairperson effective 1/1/19
c)       Court Management- mention of need of a new wind sock and lights to be on in the evening.
d)      Socials (Barbara Havel for Susie Eckhardt) – October social went very well. Next social will be in December to celebrate the 5th Birthday of QC pickleball.  Also mention of keeping the socials simple, just play and food.  Need for someone to step up to run the Socials and to ask for a volunteer.
e)       Organized Play – Joyce Butler was asking if there could be a 2.0 skill level play.  Jean Bustard mentioned that there will be 2.0 drills in November and Gary Quantz will be having transitional play.
i)        An article will be published in the newsletter to find Organized Play leaders for the Mixed Level RR
5)      Player Development (Jean Bustard)
a)       Courts are being used throughout the day
b)      All instructors to have breaks from teaching
c)       Professional instructor Helle Sparre is doing a 2 hour doubles strategies for all QCP members, no charge . Date is Saturday November 17 from 2:30 to 4:30 on Court 1. Along with private and Group Lessons
d)      Riff will be coming in December and there will be a rating.
e)       Totals for the month of October
i)        Orientation - 22 
ii)      Assisted Play - 35 
iii)    Transition Play (2 weeks) - 30
iv)    2.5 Drills - 59
v)      3.0 Drills - 60
vi)    3.5 Drills -33
vii)  Smart Pickleball by Kathy Palese - 14
viii) IPTPA Ratings - 8 

f)       Feedback: 1) Offerings are popular and appreciated.  2) Biggest challenge for instructors is with people not ready to be in 3.0 or 3.5 drills.  Instructors are being asked to separate people to improve experience to all.  This is difficult.  3) Volunteer coaches have been amazing and dependable!  

g)      Observations: 1) 3.0 is large group, may have to look into second session. 2) Courts are being used throughout the day.

h)      Professional Instructors:

i)        Helle Sparre November 17 and 18.  She will host 2 hour doubles strategy seminar open to everyone.  Also offering small group and private lessons
ii)      Scott Moore February 25, 26 and 27.  February 25 and 26 2 day intensive boot camp for 3.5 + players.  February 27 2 hour clinics for 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0.
iii)    Mark Renneson - week of March 18
iv)    Dave Weinbach - not coming this season
v)      Adding beginner/2.0 drills - Gary Quantz will lead (start mid-November)
6)      Other Business
a)       General meeting is November 14, voting on Members dues and change of term for Board Members from Sept thru August.
b)      Kathleen Baker will be Secretary starting January 1.
c)       Kathy Palese will be moving her lessons to Thursday afternoons.
d)      Lenny Friedman will come back to another meeting to present a date and time for a Junior Tournament and Singles Tournament he would like to put on.
e)       Vote and approved on scheduling process for Player Development Activities using email vote from Dave Mungo To make quorum
f)       Vote and approved schedule process for organized QCPC Skill-Level Play using email vote from Dave Mungo- to make quorum.
g)      A committee will be formed to make recommendations to the Board concerning “shade”.  An article will be in the newsletter to find members.  The committee will come up with a design, cost estimates, licensing and % to share with the POA

7)      Meeting adjourned at 2:00pm