Thursday, December 13, 2018

QCPC Board Meeting Minutes, December 3, 2018

December 3, 2018

BOARD MEMBER ATTENDEES:  Jean Bustard* (Player Development Chair), Susie Eckhardt (Social Co-Chair), Cheryl Francis* (Treasurer), Susan Jones* (Membership), Ruth Maki* (Communications), Dave Mungo* (VP), Steve Shapiro* (President), John Sicardi (Court Management Co-Chair), Dave Thomas (Court Management Co-Chair), Linda von Felden* (Secretary)

*Voting Members

GENERAL MEMBER ATTENDEES:  Marilyn Ashman, Kathleen Baker (incoming Secretary), Nancy Katzberg

1.        Meeting called to order by Steve Shapiro at 12:00pm.

2.       Minutes from previous meeting (October/November) were approved.

3.       Treasurer’s Report (Cheryl Francis) – Income for month = $905 (combination of 2018 & 2019 membership dues).  Balance in checking account = $16,054.00.
a)       Shirts were also discussed.  Cheryl volunteered to oversee finding/selecting a vendor.  No one else volunteered to help, so she will take orders, collect money, and organize distributing shirts.  After meeting with a couple vendors, she decided to go with Aztec, whom we’ve used in the past and with whom we’ve had issues, which were resolved.  An announcement will be run in the Newsletter with a link to order form and instructions for ordering.  Orders will be accepted thru mid-January.  Turn-around time is 3-4 weeks, so shirts will be delivered before our winter members start heading out.

4.       Committee Reports
a)       Membership (Susan Jones) – Total of 420 (405 last January) (208 men / 212 women); 16 new members and 64 renewals to date.
b)      Communication (Ruth Maki) – A “suspicious website” message was popping up when some members tried to access the website.  Ruth has been in touch with Microsoft and issue has been corrected.  Candy Plumlee is the incoming Communications Chair.  Ruth & Candy have met several times, and Ruth anticipates a smooth transition as Candy is very savvy with the computer. Ruth has asked that any information that is to appear in the Newsletter be submitted to her no later than Thursday afternoon.
c)       Court Management (John Sicardi / Dave Thomas) – A member approached Dave and asked if plants could be removed around courts.  Dave will explain to member that considerable work was completed last year around the courts/Ramada, and there are no plans for additional work.  There is an issue with the bathrooms, emptying trash, etc., and generally keeping the area clean.  Dave would like to get with AAA and others responsible for the area to have a set schedule.  Currently, we are without a POA Maintenance Manager, so Steve will get with Mike Taylor to discuss the situation.  In the meantime, if we see a particular problem, send an email directly to Mike Taylor.  Pure 2 balls have been discontinued, and the Club has ordered and received 200 for the new Onix Fuse 2 balls, which are being phased into the sleeves on the courts.
d)      Socials (Susie Eckhardt) – The December Birthday/Holiday Social is set for December 12th; hosted by Kathleen Camp & Linda Bishop.  Sign-up to play filled up almost immediately; however, others may attend the Social Party.  Joyce Butler will be taking over as Social Chair beginning January 2019.  Thank you to Susie & Barbara Havel for volunteering this past year as Social Co-Chairs.
e)       Skill-Level Play (Dave Mungo) – Skill-level RR are ordinarily scheduled during non-Prime Time hours.  A motion was made and passed as follows:  Upon request, the Board will consider, and may approve, a request for Skill-Level Play during Prime Time hours.  Currently, there are 3 approved requests for skill-level organized RR.  The Board discussed and approved a request for the 4.0+ Skill-Level RR during Prime Time on Tuesday evenings from 6:00-8:00pm on the 4 lighted upper courts (9-12).  Based on the current demand for courts, other lighted courts remain available for play at this time.
f)       Organized Play (Dave Mungo) – Existing Organized Play RR are:  Tuesdays 9:00-10:45am (2.5-3.0) / Thursdays 10:00-11:45am (3.5-4.0) / Fridays 9:00-10:45am (3.0-3.5).  These are played on Courts 5-8.  There is an additional RR for all members scheduled for every Wednesday, beginning at 9:00am, on all Courts, except the 3rd Wednesday of every month, which is hosted by the Social Committee.

5.       Player Development (Jean Bustard) – Tremendous participation in the Player Development activities that were offered for November.  Sign-ups for all drills, etc. have filled up immediately.  Thank you for all the volunteers & organizers who have helped make this a success.  There will be no drills during the weeks of December 24th & 31st.  Professional instructors are scheduled for February & March; information will be posted in Newsletter.  IPTPA Ratings are scheduled for December 11 and January 23rd.  To date, 91 members have gone thru first-time rating (approx. ¼ of our members).

6.       Other Business (Steve Shapiro)
a)       Still working on Budget process; numbers will be finalized and presented at March General Membership meeting.
b)      Dave Mungo volunteered to be Project Manager to oversee the new lights being installed, and Steve Shapiro will be the Project Manager for resurfacing the courts (this will take place in the summer).
c)       Currently our by-laws require a quorum (10% of members) be present at General Membership Meetings if issues are to be put to a vote.  Motion was made that a majority of attendees (and not a quorum) must approve an issue before a change is made.  Motion was approved and will be presented at the General Membership Meeting in March to make this change

7.       Next Meeting:  Meetings for 2019 will remain on the 1st Monday, from 1:00-3:00pm in Kino Conference Room.  Next meeting scheduled for January 7th.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:45pm.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

QCPC Membership Meeting, November 14, 2018

November 14, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 1:00pm by Steve Shapiro, President.  An attendance sheet was passed around to document who attended and that there was an adequate number of members for a quorum to vote on proposed changes.  This will be filed in the book of Minutes.

Steve introduced current Board and those whose term was over and the new Board/Committee members.  He thanked all those who volunteered throughout the year.  QC has 4300 residents of, which 409 are QCPC Members (207 female / 202 male).  Of those, 79 have been rated (USAPA/IPTPA).  In 2018, we had 172 new members.

We have a balance of $15,573.62 in our checking account.  Dues is our only form of income and are looking into possible fundraisers.

Jean reviewed the purpose, goal, and strategy of the Program.  Guidelines for the skills are based on IPTPA Ratings system, while learning in a fun and positive environment.  Each skill level has a team of 8 people, which includes an organizer.

The program kicked off in October this year, with a kick-off meeting in September.  25+ members volunteered to help, with 7 organizers.  Thank you to everyone who has volunteered. 

Lessons, drills, various activities are offered at all skill levels, with the exception of 5.0 players (sorry).  Please sign up for one skill level per week.  Do NOT sign up for a higher skill level because your skill level is full.  We are starting a “wait list.”  If you are unsure of your level, sign up at a lower level.  85% of membership is at 2.5-3.0 level.

We are working on having several professionals come to QC to offer lessons/clinics:
·         Joey Farias & Sean Rickard – TBD
·         Helle Spare – Due to personal reasons, this event is being rescheduled
·         Scott Moore – February 25, 26, & 27; sign-up information will be released to Club members soon
·         Mark Renneson – March 19, 20, & 21

We are already seeing positive results and continue to look for ways to improve/enhance the program.   

The complete presentation and slides are downloaded on the Club website.

ORGANIZED PLAY (Steve Shapiro in Dave Mungo’s absence)
The Board has approved the application/criteria for individual Organized Round Robins.  This is for skill levels 2.0 thru 5.0.   Anyone wishing to start a Skill Level, Organized RR must complete the form and submit to Dave Mungo for approval.

We will find out what was approved at the November 19th POA Board Meeting:   

·         Court lighting / Shades
·         Court resurfacing on a schedule
·         Tightening the fences
·         Purchasing/replacing nets on a schedule

1.       Motion to increase annual dues from $20 to $25 -- Motion was seconded and approved by the majority
2.       Motion to change term of Officers to September 1st thru August 31st – Motion was seconded and approved by the majority (term will now coincide with Season rather than calendar)
3.       Motion to move Membership meeting from February to March, at which time Members will vote officers and budget – Motion was seconded and approved by majority
4.       Board Officers for 2019
·         Board includes 4 voting officers (President, VP, Treasurer, Secretary), each with a 2-year term.  The President & Treasurer take office in odd years, the VP and Secretary take office in even years.  Officers may not serve more than 2 consecutive terms in the office to which he/she was elected.
·         President:  Steve Shapiro for 2019-2020 (uncontested)
·         Treasurer:  Cheryl Francis for 2019-2020 (uncontested)
·         Secretary:  Kathleen Baker for 2019 (any vacancy occurring among elected officers during the year shall be filled for the unexpired term of the office by a majority vote of all members of the Board, with the exception of President, which automatically goes to VP).

Meeting was adjourned at 2:15pm.

A complete copy of the presentation/slide show is available on the Club website.  

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

QCPC Board Meeting October 29, 2018

October 29, 2018

VOTING BOARD MEETING ATTENDEES:  Steve Shapiro (President), Jean Bustard (Player Development), Susan Jones (Membership)

BOARD MEETING ABSENTEES: Cheryl Francis (Treasurer), Ruth Maki (Communications),
Linda von Felden (Secretary), David Mungo (Vice President)


GENERAL MEMBERSHIP ATTENDEES: Joyce Butler, Lenny Friedman, Bill Vollink, Jerry Canaday

1)      Meeting was called to order at 12:00pm by Steve Shapiro.
2)      Because we didn’t have a quorum, the minutes will be approved at the next meeting
3)      No Treasurer’s report for this month
4)      Committee Reports
a)       Membership (Susan Jones) – Total membership = 406 , new Member 24 (201 men / 205 women).
b)      Communication (Ruth Maki) – nothing new.  Candace Plumlee was approved by Steve Shapiro as the new Communications Chairperson effective 1/1/19
c)       Court Management- mention of need of a new wind sock and lights to be on in the evening.
d)      Socials (Barbara Havel for Susie Eckhardt) – October social went very well. Next social will be in December to celebrate the 5th Birthday of QC pickleball.  Also mention of keeping the socials simple, just play and food.  Need for someone to step up to run the Socials and to ask for a volunteer.
e)       Organized Play – Joyce Butler was asking if there could be a 2.0 skill level play.  Jean Bustard mentioned that there will be 2.0 drills in November and Gary Quantz will be having transitional play.
i)        An article will be published in the newsletter to find Organized Play leaders for the Mixed Level RR
5)      Player Development (Jean Bustard)
a)       Courts are being used throughout the day
b)      All instructors to have breaks from teaching
c)       Professional instructor Helle Sparre is doing a 2 hour doubles strategies for all QCP members, no charge . Date is Saturday November 17 from 2:30 to 4:30 on Court 1. Along with private and Group Lessons
d)      Riff will be coming in December and there will be a rating.
e)       Totals for the month of October
i)        Orientation - 22 
ii)      Assisted Play - 35 
iii)    Transition Play (2 weeks) - 30
iv)    2.5 Drills - 59
v)      3.0 Drills - 60
vi)    3.5 Drills -33
vii)  Smart Pickleball by Kathy Palese - 14
viii) IPTPA Ratings - 8 

f)       Feedback: 1) Offerings are popular and appreciated.  2) Biggest challenge for instructors is with people not ready to be in 3.0 or 3.5 drills.  Instructors are being asked to separate people to improve experience to all.  This is difficult.  3) Volunteer coaches have been amazing and dependable!  

g)      Observations: 1) 3.0 is large group, may have to look into second session. 2) Courts are being used throughout the day.

h)      Professional Instructors:

i)        Helle Sparre November 17 and 18.  She will host 2 hour doubles strategy seminar open to everyone.  Also offering small group and private lessons
ii)      Scott Moore February 25, 26 and 27.  February 25 and 26 2 day intensive boot camp for 3.5 + players.  February 27 2 hour clinics for 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0.
iii)    Mark Renneson - week of March 18
iv)    Dave Weinbach - not coming this season
v)      Adding beginner/2.0 drills - Gary Quantz will lead (start mid-November)
6)      Other Business
a)       General meeting is November 14, voting on Members dues and change of term for Board Members from Sept thru August.
b)      Kathleen Baker will be Secretary starting January 1.
c)       Kathy Palese will be moving her lessons to Thursday afternoons.
d)      Lenny Friedman will come back to another meeting to present a date and time for a Junior Tournament and Singles Tournament he would like to put on.
e)       Vote and approved on scheduling process for Player Development Activities using email vote from Dave Mungo To make quorum
f)       Vote and approved schedule process for organized QCPC Skill-Level Play using email vote from Dave Mungo- to make quorum.
g)      A committee will be formed to make recommendations to the Board concerning “shade”.  An article will be in the newsletter to find members.  The committee will come up with a design, cost estimates, licensing and % to share with the POA

7)      Meeting adjourned at 2:00pm

Thursday, October 11, 2018

QCPC Board Meeting Minutes, October 1, 2018

October 1, 2018

October 1, 2018

VOTING BOARD MEETING ATTENDEES:  Steve Shapiro (President), Dave Mungo (VP-via telephone), Jean Bustard (Player Development), Cheryl Francis (Treasurer), Ruth Maki (Communications), Linda von Felden (Secretary)
BOARD MEETING ABSENTEES:  Susan Jones (Membership)

COMMITTEE CHAIRS ATTENDEES: Susie Eckhardt (Social Co-Chair), John Sicardi (Court Management Co-Chair)

GENERAL MEMBERSHIP ATTENDEES: Joyce Butler, Tom Dean, Paul Engstrom, Lenny Friedman, Barbara Galbreath, Sharon Kolarik, John Lehman, Mary Ellen Mencimer, Candy Plumlee, Thom Sharples, Suzanne Sicardi

1) Meeting was called to order at 12:00pm by Steve Shapiro.

2) Minutes from previous meeting (09/10/18) were approved.

3) Treasurer’s Report (Cheryl Francis) – Income for month = $172.00, of which $150.00 was new membership dues.  There were no expenses.  Balance in checking account = $16,093.31.

4) Committee Reports 
a) Membership (Steve Shapiro reported in Susan’s absence) – Total membership = 382 (190 men / 192 women).  Since we will be voting on raising membership dues from $20.00 to $25.00, new membership dues for balance of 2018 will be $10.00.
b) Communication (Ruth Maki) – We own two website domains ( &  Renewal fees for both were $148.00 for 2 years.  Only one is active (.org).  At end of 2-year renewal, we may opt to drop the .com domain as there is no information contained in website.  Newsletter will continue to be sent out on Saturdays around Noon.  We have 5 available Administrators for Sign-Up Genius (Steve, & Jean are current Administrators); Karen Morse needs to be removed as she is no longer a member.  Others may be added as needed.
c) Court Management (John Sicardi) – AAA is not picking up balls that are hit outside courts; Steve will mention this to Mike Taylor.  New nets have been installed on all courts. 
d) Socials (Susie Eckhardt) – Next social is October 17th; check-in at 8:30, play from 9:00-11:00, with lunch following.  Hosted by Joyce Barnes, Barbara Galbreath, & Candy Plumlee, who will provide sub sandwiches.  Newsletter contains information about sign-ups for players & food donations.  Anyone interested in hosting the November & December socials should contact Susie Eckhardt.
e) Organized Play (Dave Mungo) – Dave put together proposal defining prime time and skill-level round robins with court reservation request form.
i) Prime Season:  October through April
ii) Time Daytime: Summer (May-Sept from 7:00-9:00am) / Fall (Oct-Nov from 8:00-10:00am) / Winter (Dec-Mar from 9:00-11:00am) / Spring (Apr from 8:00-10:00am).
iii) Prime Time Evening:  Year-round is 6:00-9:00pm, Monday-Friday, with Open Play on Monday & Thursday evenings on lighted Courts 9, 10, 11, 12.
iv) Club Open Play – Defined as use by Club Members Only; courts cannot be reserved.  However, if courts are not being used by Club Members, they may be used by others but may have to move if necessary.  If the Club Open Play courts aren’t being used, and if other courts are full, then QC residents and guests may use the open Club Open Play courts.  If additional QCPC Members arrive at the Open Play courts and are waiting to play, then the QC residents and guests using the formerly vacant court(s) should release the court(s) for use in Open Play as soon as possible.
v) Reservable Courts:  1-4 and 13 & 14.  Ratio must be at least one Club Member for each court.  Courts can only be reserved for 2 hours per group and limited to 2 courts.  Should outside guests be invited to play, a written list of guests must be provided to Guard House before guests arrive.   Ratio for outside players is 1:4 per court.
vi) Club-Sponsored Skill Level Round Robin:  This provides an opportunity for members to form their own scheduled Round Robins based on skill level.  Participants must have a rating or played in tournaments (non-sanctioned or sanctioned and listed in to be included in group. A link to the new Reservation Request Form (which includes Club Guidelines for operating Skill-Level Round Robins) will be available on website.  It needs to be completed by Club Member organizer, submitted & reviewed by Board before courts can be reserved.  A Sign-Up Genius link to participate will be provided in Newsletter.
The above was voted on and approved by the Board.  Must be noted that Susan Jones was not present and Dave Mungo abstained from voting on portion that pertained to outside guests playing on our courts during Prime Time.

5) Player Development (Jean Bustard)
a) The request to Club Members was overwhelming to assist Jean in player development; 30 people volunteered to help form and organize various committees.  A “Teach the Teacher” meeting was held on September 17th.   There is an organizer plus 8 committee members for each group.  There are clinics/drills for all skill levels (2.5 thru 4.0).
b) Sean will be holding a Rating Session on October 22nd; information will be announced in Newsletter.
c) Kathy Palese will be offering a “Smart Pickleball” seminar.  Attendees must sign up for all 3 sessions and limited to 4 per class; cost = $60.00.  Information and dates will be announced in Newsletter.
d) Helle Spar will be here on November 17 -18.  She will be our first female professional instructor.  She is from Mesa and a tennis pro.  Recently taught at Saddlebrook with very positive feedback.  Weinbach & Renneson are scheduled to come back to QC for clinics/lessons.  Information will be announced in Newsletter.  Board agreed that there is no need to have additional instructors come to QC to teach lessons.
e) Jean requested the Club to purchase an additional 100 orange Onix balls to be used for instruction/drills only; cost $250.00.  Motion was made and approved.

6) Upcoming Tournaments
a) It is our turn to host the Saddlebrook/QC Invitational, which is scheduled for October 25th.  We are in need of 2.5 players.  Steve will make an announcement at his 2.5 drill session to try to persuade players to sign up.  All other levels have been signing up.

7) Other Business
a) Nominating Committee (Suzanne Sicardi & Linda von Felden) – We have been working hard to find volunteers to run for open positions.  However, it appears that Steve Shapiro (President) and Cheryl Francis (Treasurer) will be running unopposed; Kathleen Baker has agreed to be Club Secretary; we will continue to look for Social Chairperson.  Two people have expressed interest in the Communications position (Paul Engstrom & Candy Plumlee).  They will be co-chairs and meet with Ruth to discuss responsibilities.  They can both attend meetings; however, only one will have voting responsibility.
b) Backboard – There has been some discussion with Tennis Club about the Clubs sharing cost of backboard, which would be located on tennis courts.  Board decided not to move forward with this request.
c) Bucket of Onix balls (Jean Bustard) – Suggestion is to have a bucket of new Onix balls available for Club activities (Round Robins, Socials, etc.).  For Club offered events, the organizer would be responsible for bringing out the bucket of “new” balls and putting them away after the event.  This would provide “new” balls for Club events.  After the next event, they would be rotated into the tubes for general play.

8) Next Meeting:  October 29th, Noon to 2:00pm, Mesquite Room (Please note new day & location; originally scheduled for November 5th)

9) Meeting adjourned at 2:00pm

Friday, September 14, 2018

QCPC Board Meeting Minutes, September 10, 2018

QCPC Board Meeting Minutes
September 10, 2018 -  Kino Conference Room

The objectives of the QCPC are to promote good fellowship and sportsmanship among its members, to provide a fun, healthy, recreational activity for its members, and to encourage active participation in playing pickleball by taking part in events and tournaments conducted in accordance with the United States Pickleball Association (USPA) rules and Quail Creek local rules.

1.      Present:  Board Members Steve Shapiro, Cheryl Francis, Jean Bustard, Susan Jones, Ruth Maki.  Absent:  Linda von Felden and David Mungo.
Committee Chairs- Susie Eckhardt (Socials).   David Thomas/John Sicardi (Court Management) were absent.

2.      Meeting was called to order at 12:00 PM.

3.      Minutes of the previous meeting were approved

4.      Treasurer’s Report (Cheryl Francis)- Income in August was $30.14, and expenses were $1,495.04.  The purchase of new nets was our largest expense.  The QCPC checking account has $15,921.31. 
a)      Capital Request- We have no new updates from the Finance Committee. We should know about our requests by the end of September.
b)      Request to evaluate alternate bank/credit union- Cheryl visited Tucson Federal Credit Union (TFCU) and American Southwest Credit Union (ASCU).  TFCU would charge us $ 7-$8 a month, and they pay .01% dividend.  ASCU would not charge monthly and pays .009% interest.  There is no minimum balance at credit unions.  Cheryl suggested that Wells Fargo might be able to change our account to a business account that has no minimum balance.  The Board agreed to make this change, if possible, if we don’t have to change the account number.

5.      Committee Reports
a)      Membership (Susan Jones)-  We now have 379 members; 13 since last meeting and 142 since Oct. 1.  Men 188; women 191. 
b)      Communications/Website (Ruth Maki)- Ruth Maki will be out of town on Sept. 22, so she doesn’t plan to send out a newsletter.  She will put in a blurb on the dues increase and indicate that we won’t collect dues until after the Membership has voted on the increase at the November Member Meeting.
c)      Court Management - Steve announced that the new nets will be installed in September.  There is a group of people who have agreed to help with this.
d)      Socials (Susie Eckhardt and Barbara Havel)- Susie announced that we will have an October social with Joyce Butler in charge.  This will be on the 3rd Wednesday of October.  Susie requested that a “Save the Date” notice be put in the newsletter.

6.      Player Development Report (Jean)- Jean will conduct a “Teach the Teacher” session on Monday, Sept.  17.  27 QCPC members responded to her request for help with teaching, as did Kathy Palese, one of our present instructors.  The goal for this meetingis to set the stage for what they want to do as a group.  She wants to set up a structure that will allow the Player Development Program to change as the Club changes.  Club cohesion should become stronger because we have so many people helping.  Jean plans to organize these instructors into teams with 8 people/team.  There will be a team for every skill level.  For example, have 8 people who would be involved with beginners, 8 for 2.5-level.  People can call on these teams for help with drills and lessons at different levels.  We need to keep in mind who we are- a retirement community, and keep in mind that the important thing is that people have fun.  In each group of 8, the team will organize events and set up Sign-Up Genius.  There will be learning activities for Club members at all skill levels.  We can have a top-tier retirement community program.  In the meeting, Jean will present the basics of a lesson.  She will describe her plan, answer questions, then organize teams.  Jean will talk about this at November Meeting. 

Jean wants to separate organized play from player development.  The latter is for drills and lessons.  She wants a committee on Organized Play.  They could make proposals and bring those to the Board.  The Club needs to know criteria for organized Round Robins. 

The following Pros will be coming to Quail Creek and offer clinics:
Scott Moore- Feb. 26 and 27.
Dave Weinbach- Dec. 12 and 13.  He will do clinics for 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, and 4.5 skill levels, and also offer private lessons. 
Mark Renneson- March 20-21, 2019.  The St. Jude Charity Tournament will be March 22-24.   Mark will play an Exhibition game during the tournament.

7.      Upcoming Tournaments/Intercommunity
a)      Quail Creek / Saddlebrooke Ranch Invitational is Oct 25th.   The Sign-Up Genius link will be in the Sept 15th newsletter.

8.      Other Business
a)      Update on Nominating Committee (Linda) – no report
b)      Proposal to Change Term of Officers to September to September- this has been approved by the Board but will need Member approval at the November meeting.
c)   Southern Arizona Senior Games & Robson (Steve)- March 6 and 7- Robson doesn’t care that GVR doesn’t pay anything to Quail Creek.  QC thinks the games are good for marketing.
d)      Issues on Open Play from 8/13 Board Meeting- Suggestions from Jean  Core thing- Members want access to courts during prime time.  They want to play in morning.  QCPC wants to attract all levels to Club Open Play in prime time.  Players want opportunities to play up.  QCPC wants to keep 2 courts available for resident open play, so 15 and 16 are drop- in by courts.  We also want one court prioritized for lessons.  Jean proposes moving lessons to afternoons.  She also suggests that we limit reservable courts to 2 per person during prime season.  There would be 4 reservable courts, although in high season, this number may be reduced to 2 on Tuesdays and Thursdays for mixed skill round robins, described below.

Motion- Limit number of courts reservable to 2 courts per person during prime time (8 AM – 11 AM) for 2 hours maximum in November to April.  – This motion was seconded and approved.

Jean’s Organized play suggestion:
Observation:  Round robins are very popular. 
Provide additional round robins of mixed skill level on 2 courts.  Participants must signup through signup genius, limit 10 per round robin.
Round robin skill levels 2.5 and 3.0
Round robin skill levels 3.0 and 3.5
Round robin skill levels 3.5 and 4.0
Each round robin consists of 6, 15-minute games.  Round robin will last 1:45 minutes.
Suggest Round Robin's occur on 2 days.  As an example, Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7:30 to 10:00.  Times can change with weather.
(Note:  The times below are too short; Jean is working on revising them.)
Round robin 1 - 7:30 - 8:45 Tuesday morning, skill level 2.5 and 3.0
Round robin 2 - 8:45 - 10:00 Tuesday morning, skill level 3.0 and 3.5
Round robin 3 - 7:30 - 8:45 Thursday morning, skill level 3.0 and 3.5
Round robin 4 - 8:45 - 10:00 Thursday morning, skill level 3.5 and 4.0
Ideally offer a 4.0 and 4.5 round robin.  We don’t have the numbers to support this yet.
Use 2 upper courts for round robins until numbers are too great and people are waiting.  When numbers on upper courts exceed capacity, move round robins to courts 3 and 4.  This means club will have 10 courts at these times during high season.
Members like round robins, purpose is to provide more access to them
Members want to play up, offer mixed skill level so participants know what to expect.  We will encourage members to play in two round robins, one in their perceived skill level and one at a level lower.  If all spots fill, regardless of mix of skill level, outcome is successful because people are participating.  Purpose is to attract 3.5’s and 4.0’s to morning member play.
Provide skill level round robins to meet need met by privately organized round robins.
Have a range in the skill level to increase probability of getting people into proper round robins.  This also addresses the question of where do I go if I don’t have a rating.  People general know their level within a half point
The Board approved of Jean’s plan and we will implement it October 1 and see how it works out.  If the Round Robins fill, then it will be considered a success.

Jean was asked if the rating sessions will continue and she said yes, we will start regular rating sessions again soon.  Formal ratings are not required for the Round Robin play described above.

e)      Policy and Procedures Manual- Steve updated this and the updated version is now on the website.
f)    Switch training courts from 13/14 (request from member) (Steve)- lessons will be moved to afternoon, so they won’t interfere with primetime play.
g)      Pickleball Backboard @ Tennis Club- We have an opportunity to cost share a backboard with the Tennis Club.  This would be placed on the tennis courts.  Steve will talk to the Tennis Club to see how much access we would have to this.  Sandy Veydt and Dave Kikel looked into our buying a backboard earlier. Steve will contact them to see what they leaned.
h)      We need to develop an Organized Play committee that will evaluate requests for organized play and bring their recommendations to the board for approval.  Steve will try to find someone.
i)     We need someone to head up the shirt committee.  Cheryl Francis volunteered to do this, but later asked that we advertise for someone to help the in the newsletter.
j)    A question about why we don’t have more publicity in Quail Creek Crossing was asked.  Ruth Maki, Communication Chair, said that she just hasn’t had the time to do this. Steve will try to find club members to write up articles for Quail Creek Crossing so the QC community is more aware of what our Club is doing.

T            The Board Meeting was adjourned at 1:50 PM.