Wednesday, May 16, 2018

QCPC Board Meeting Minutes, May 7, 2018

BOARD MEMBER ATTENDEES:  Jean Bustard* (President), Susie Eckhardt (Social Co-Chair), Cheryl Francis* (Treasurer), Susan Jones* (Membership), Steve Shapiro* (VP), John Sicardi & Dave Thomas (Court Maintenance Co-Chairs), Linda von Felden* (Secretary)
ABSENT BOARD MEMBERS:  Barbara Havel (Social Co-Chair), Ruth Maki* (Communication), Karen Morse* (Player Development)
      *Voting Members

1.       Meeting was called to order at 12:00PM by Jean Bustard.

2.       Minutes from previous meeting (040218) were approved.

3.       Treasurer’s Report) (Cheryl Francis) – Money in was reviewed; no money spent during previous month.  Receipts for last month’s social were turned in at today’s meeting.  Cheryl reported on the bank’s (Wells Fargo) policy for charging monthly fees:  If daily budget goes under $5,000 OR if monthly ending balance is under $10,000, a monthly fee will be charged to our account.  Our balance of $17,566.21 exceeds this balance, but we may want to look into switching to local Credit Union should we start getting close to the $10,000 monthly balance.  Question again was asked why Membership Dues end in a $5.00 amount, as dues are either $10 or $20.  This came up for the first time at last month’s meeting; Cheryl will go back thru her records to resolve this question.
                                 i.            Carlo Pensyl of the Finance Committee reached out to Jean to discuss upkeep/maintenance plans for our courts and our budget requests.  Several courts need to be resurfaced and all the nets need to be replaced.  Jean was unaware that the POA was looking for the Club to provide recommendations and schedules for major maintenance items.  Clarifying what was expected was helpful and Jean believes the Club should embrace the opportunity to take a more proactive role in recommending upkeep of the entire facility.  She and Steve Shapiro met with the contractor who originally poured our courts; he is working on putting together a proposal with costs for court resurfacing.  Once a proposal has been received Jean will present to POA, along with a rotation schedule for resurfacing the courts over multiple years.  Courts 1, 2, 11, & 12 are the most worn and should be resurfaced first.  All of the nets are worn and need to be replaced.  Gary Mencimer has been mending the nets to help us get through the summer.  Our recommendation is to replace all of our nets this fall.  Pricing and a schedule for net replacement will be submitted to the POA.  

4.       Committee Reports
a.        Membership (Susan Jones) – Total of 350 members (173 men / 177 women); 14 new since last month’s report.   She brought up the possibility of raising dues to $25 for 2019; consensus was not to raise at this time.
b.       Communication (Steve Shapiro for Ruth Maki) – Newsletter will be published as needed throughout the summer, which may still be weekly because of the Inter-Community sign-ups.
c.        Court Management (John Sicardi & Dave Thomas) – Questioned what their responsibilities are; Jean put together a job description for John and Dave, but they needed more clarification on expectations.  Jean suggested they meet with Gary Mencimer, as he has been volunteering to take care of courts for past year to figure out roles and responsibilities.  Dave would like to revisit schedule for replacing/putting out new balls.  When new balls are needed, Dave or John will submit request for board approval (board must approval any expenditure over $200).  There are still quite a few in storage., no need to order now. Steve Shapiro will work with them on net replacement.  The Club banner is getting a little “worn.”  Susan Jones will get with John & Steve once she finds a vendor to coordinate placing the order and getting it hung.  Jean will forward logo to Susan.  There is a new lock on supply box (contains paddles, etc.) located between upper courts.  A notice will be put in Newsletter with combination, which stayed to same (1461 blank).  A big thank you to Gary Mencimer for his work in keeping the pickleball courts tidy and maintained.
d.       Socials (Susie Eckhardt) – Next social is scheduled for May 16th; organized by Bonnie & Tom Dean.  To date, only 32 have signed up; space still available.  Morning round robin with brunch afterwards.  This will be last social for season until September, unless someone wants to plan an event.
e.        Club Gear (Jean Bustard) – There were several problems with this year’s shirts, even though we used same vendor as in past (logos in wrong place, material was wrinkled and could not be ironed out).  Aztec is working to replace the shirts.  We will not use this vendor again.

5.       Player Development (Jean Bustard)
a.        Afternoon Open Play has been suspended for the Summer. 
b.       Round Robins are being organized by Amy Giannakakis & Suzanne Sicardi.  Beginning May 23rd, games will start at 7:00am, with sign-up at 6:30am.  Information will be announced in Newsletter.
c.        Linda von Felden has volunteered to resume Assisted Play for new / beginner members.  It will start on Thursday, May 24th, at 8:00am.  Information / sign ups will be announced in the Newsletter.

6.       Educational Rating Program (IPTPA) – Next rating session is scheduled for May 19th.  Three groups of 4 players have signed up; two for 3.0 and one for 3.5.  Should it be too hot or windy, players can contact Sean to reschedule.

7.       Upcoming Tournaments / Intercommunity (Steve Shapiro)
a.        Summer Inter-Community Play has started with GV, other Robson Communities, & Tucson participating.  First week was held at QC, and attendance was full; several QC players signed up.  The second week is full at the 3.0 and 3.5 skill level; space still available at other skill levels.  With the other Clubs having so many members question was asked, when QC hosts, if there is a way to allow priority sign-up with 10 QC players before being opened to other Club.  Steve Shapiro will check to see if this is possible.  Sign ups start at 7:00am on Sunday mornings.
b.       QC / Saddlebrook Ranch Invitational will be held at QC this year and is scheduled for October 25th.  Details will be announced as the date approaches.

8.       Other Business (Jean Bustard)
a.        Jean met with Rich Kahn (Tennis Club).  He was interested in how we use Sign-Up Genius for our tournaments.  They also discussed the possibility of joint fundraising activities.
b.       The PB Board will not meet during the summer months of June, July, August unless something comes up that requires a meeting.  Normal schedule will resume in September.
c.        Jean presented changing the board terms to run October to October, rather than calendar year.  Our season really starts in October, so it would make sense that the Board changes at the beginning of the season rather than 3 months after the start.  This would require changing the By-Laws, which requires a vote from the general members.
d.       It was brought up the possibility of allowing a non-QC person to join if the significant other lives in QC.  This would also require a change in By-Laws and a vote from the general members.
e.        Lenny Friedman asked if another evening could be added to the QC Classic/St Jude Tournament.  The event is scheduled for March 23 & 24, 2019.  He would like to add the evening of March 22nd for exhibition games to raise additional funds.  The Board approved this additional evening.

9.       Next MeetingMonday, September 3rd, Noon
a.        Routine business will be handled via email
b.       Meetings could be scheduled, depending on need and availability

10.    Meeting was adjourned at 1:42pm