Saturday, April 7, 2018

QCPC Board Meeting Minutes, March 5, 2018

QCPC Board Meeting Minutes
March 5, 2018 - Noon, Kino Conference Room

The meeting was called to order at 12:00 PM.

Present:  Board Members- Jean Bustard, Steve Shapiro, Cheryl Francis, Susan Jones, Karen Morse, Ruth Maki.  Absent- Linda von Felden.
Committee Chairs:  Merry and Dave Mungo (Senior Games); Barb Havel and Susie Eckhardt (Social Co-Chairs).  Absent Court Management (Dave Thomas and John Sicardi).
Guests:  Lenny Friedman, Joanna Miller.

The minutes from the previous meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report (Cheryl Francis) – In February, we took in $460 for membership dues. Including income from T-shirts, our total income was $1,766.

Expenses included $450 for the IPTPA ratings, $261.94 for balls, and $989.71 for T-shirts. Total expenses were $1,701.65.  The check book balance is $17,447.60. We made some money on shirts, but we didn’t anticipate this. The larger shirts cost more, and logos on both sides cost more, but we set one price for all shirts.  This value was based on selling 30 shirts, and we sold more.

Our reserve fund is $3500. We don’t want our checking account to go under this. Originally, this was for something essential like replacing nets. We should look at this amount again in the future.  We also
need to know what Wells Fargo requires as a minimum in the account.

Committee Reports- We have a total of 327 members.  There have been 90 new members since October.  We have 157 men and 170 women.

Member etiquette reminder- Some of our members are stating court- use rules that are incorrect.  The pickleball Courts can be used by all QC residents, renters, and their guests.  Any QC resident or renter can use the reservation system.  If a court is not reserved for a specific purpose, anyone can use it. QCPC reserves courts for Open Play and other club activities, and only Club members can participate in these. Jean will write up something for the newsletter and will also put it on the bulletin board.

Communications/Website (Ruth Maki)- While Ruth was gone, Susan Jones updated the mailing list and membership on the website, and Steve Shapiro wrote and sent out the newsletter. Thanks to them.  The calendars on the website, reservation system, and courts sometimes don’t match.  This confuses people. Ruth and Steve will make sure that the reservation system calendar and the Monthly calendar on the website match.

Court Management (Jean Bustard for Dave Thomas and John Sicardi)- POA is working on electrical. They can’t get power to shed right now. The power doesn’t work on Court 2. One of the brooms is broken. A roller squeegee would be nice to have. The lock on the storage room in the Ramada is not working properly. Jorge put oil in lock.  These issues should go to the Court Management Chair.

Preparation for Senior Games- Dave Mungo has requested that Rob wash the courts. He uses a blower to dry the courts. Balls are being removed for Senior Games tomorrow.

Social Committee (Barb Havel and Susie Eckhardt)- The February social went very well. The Nickerson/Grothaus and Hodel couples organized this social. Hodels are renters and Nickerson/Grothaus are fairly new, but they stepped up to do this.

In the future, we should indicate on Sign-Up Genius that we will notify registrants if a party must be canceled due to weather.  We can send out a note from Sign-Up genius if there is a weather issue. Beth and Bob Larose will set up the next social on March 21. They want to do it at their house. Erica and Lenny will do a Mexican scramble on April 18th.

We need to thank all the volunteers who have done anything for PB Club. We can do that at the Social. In the past the Club chose not to have a special event for volunteers, but we can raise this again.

Club Gear Sale (Jean for Ann Smith)- Shirts have arrived, although they were late. They put logos on both sides for all shirts although they were supposed to make some with front logo only. The supplier will replace the shirts, so they are correct. We sold a total of 58 shirts, half with one logo and half with back and front logos.

Room Reservations (Jean)- Jean will turn in our request form for room reservations on March 6.  Our first choice for Board Meetings is 1-3 PM on Mondays; the second choice is 2-4 PM. 

Player Development and Organized Play Committee Report (Karen Morse)- Jean and Sharon are going to teach 3.0 lessons.  An invitation went to anyone who has a 3.0 rating. They will develop a curriculum and then the lesson will be offered more often.  Karen is teaching a 2.0 lesson. Judy Lyle and Karen are working on 2.5 lessons. They will advertise these when they are ready.

Drills will continue. Drills are more for fun and lessons are more about specific skills.
Karen is offering A/B Round Robins in which 2.5 and 3.0 players are paired, and another one in which 3.0 and 3.5 players are paired. These games are fun and close. So far, these are by invitation and just for women. She will begin these for men. These are supposed to include an educational component.

We still have a problem with people signing up for drills at the wrong level. We have chosen IPTPA ratings, so we should use those and encourage everyone who wants to participate in drills to get rated.

Lessons and drills. There is a lot of overlap. We have been doing drills and not lessons. People don’t necessarily have the skills to do the drills. Drills should assume that people already have skills. Skills are learned in lessons. Goal of lessons is to learn skills to get to the next to next level. Lessons are smaller groups with individual attention. With more instructors, we can have smaller classes for lessons. Drills can be larger; the goal is to hit lots of balls. We should publish something describing this difference.

Skill of the week- lots of people took advantage of this.

Assisted Play- This will continue through March-on Mondays and Thursdays from 1-3 PM.

It would help new players to have a list of other new players, so they can try to play get together.  We will start putting ratings on our membership list that is online.

Educations Rating Program – The next IPTPA ratings session is March 23-24. This is filled. We will set up another session in April. We did not a rating session in February because enough people didn’t sign up.

Upcoming Tournaments/Intercommunity-
Southern Arizona Senior Games (Dave and Merry Mungo) Senior Games start tomorrow. Men’s, Mixed, and Women’s will be on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, respectively.  There are about 91 teams for men, more for mixed, and fewer for Women. Tents are being set up today. Food service will be available from 7:30 AM until 1:30 PM. They will stay until 3 PM with snacks and beverages. If everyone does what they say they will do, everything should go smoothly. Patrol is offering transportation with large carts until 2 PM. After that, it will be limited for people who have disabilities or who need assistance. Club volunteers will be on-call.

St. Jude’s Fundraiser – March 24 and 25 (Lenny Friedman)- So far, there are only 2 4.0 women’s teams. About 96 people are signed up. Lenny hopes to get about 120 players. He has a lot of prizes- paddles, gift certificates, tickets to cinema, lessons, round of 4 people playing golf here. They need more referees. They need more 2.5 women and men. This tournament is a round robin with referees. It should be a fun, social event. It is an opportunity to raise money for St. Jude.

Robson Intercommunity (Steve Shapiro)- There has been a lack of response from both communities, so this is off for now.  They will try again in September and October.

Other Business- QCPC Fundraising. We haven’t prepared to do anything for the Senior Games. Ways to fund raise include direct donations and selling things at tournaments. The IRS audit guidelines for Social Organizations indicate that money raised is not taxable. But, there are rules, so before we do anything, we should check the specific rules.

Overflow parking in lot- There have been parking problems in recent days. People have been parking in the multiple-purpose lane. This is Patrol’s problem. Patrol puts cones out when there is overflow.   We can send something out in newsletter suggesting that people car pool and use golf carts or bikes. They should only park in designated spaces. We need to get 2 golf carts in each auto spot. We can also suggest leaving your golf cart key and parking 4 per spot.  We should keep a record of how often people extend to parking in multi-purpose lane. This is evidence that we need a larger parking lot or more courts.

Singles- Lenny would like to have a singles time- Mondays and Fridays at 3 PM, Courts 5-7. The Board voted to set aside courts  5-7 Mondays and Fridays at 3 PM for singles. This is for Club members; outside guests may be invited to fill up slots. They will monitor how many club members participate and how many outside guests are needed.

Date and time of next board meeting – April 2, 2018 at Noon

Formal Board Meeting adjourned at 1:45 PM.

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