Thursday, December 29, 2016

QCPC Membership Meeting, November 2, 2016

QCPC Membership Meeting
November 2, 2016
Madera Clubhouse Ballroom

The meeting was called to order at 10 AM by President David Kikel.
Treasurer’s Report- Pam Martin presented the Treasurer’s report. She first described income for 2016, through end of October.  We took in $6,195 for 2016 dues, and we have taken in $690 in 2017 dues.  We paid for T-shirts and hats, but amount is a wash because members paid money in for those.    Advanced play round robin players from outside Quail Creek have donated $370 for the year to help replace our balls.  Total income for 2016 is $10,045.83.  During 2016, we have spent $1085 on social events.  The biggest expense is court equipment, mainly balls.  We spent $1,926.64.  Total expenses for the year have been $6,817.20.  We have 10980.71 in the bank, of which we are keeping $3500 in reserve for future needs.  There were no questions on the financial report.

Membership- We have 346 members, 138 of whom were new in 2016.

Capital Improvements- The Ice Machine and Storage Shed have been approved.  Sun shades were not approved, but we should come back with the request next year.  The POA didn’t have enough money to fund those for this coming year.  At the last meeting, interest was expressed in getting a backboard for practice.  Sandy Veydt did research on this.  She came up with a recommended backboard which consists of  3- 4’ X 8’ panels for a 12’ X 8’ backboard.  We would need to mount it 1 foot off ground, so ½ of it would stick out above out fence.  The POA will not install or maintain a backboard if we purchase one.  Robson doesn’t recommend them because they say backboards aren’t used much, and they are a maintenance problem.  Many concerns about a backboard were raised at Board meeting.  We would need to install and maintain this.  David thought the eastern wall of Court 4 would make it least visible, and we could brace it with the slope going up.  The problem is that the installation manual says do not install in a west facing direction.  David indicated that it is difficult to keep the ball in play, unlike with tennis.  Mark Renneson, our Keynote speaker, was asked about backboards.  He said that the main benefit is for volleys, and there is a lot of volleying in pickleball.  You don’t need a pickleball court surface if you are volleying. Backboards are good if you don’t have people to play with.  There is also a noise issue with a backboard.  If it is in a court, that court is not playable.  David asked for a vote in favor of proceeding with a backboard.  The vote was overwhelmingly against proceeding with backboard.

Audience question- why are we replacing the ice machine?  Because we had difficulty with old one last summer.  It is a used one that was put in there.  The POA wants to put in new one, so they will.

Party Schedule- We will have a social on the 3rd Wednesday of month, except for the December 14th Birthday party, which will be on the 2nd Wednesday because of  Christmas.  Volunteers for each party do the party planning with assistance from the Social Committee.  The Committee provides plates, plastic wear, cups, napkins, etc.  We will have special events on April 19th (Farewell to Snowbirds) and on July 5th (Independence Day party).  People were encouraged to sign-up to volunteer for a party.

Question from Audience- Can we ask for lighting rather than sun shades? David explained that the members voted for sun shades rather than lighting, but the POA approved lighting (although we asked for sunshades) last year.  Later, however, that money was taken for another project.  Now we went back in with the sunshade request, and it was not approved.  The new Board will need to decide what to ask for next year.

Tournaments- The Green Valley Firemen’s Tournament is on February 17, 2017, and the Senior Games are March 8-10, 2017.  We need someone to help coordinate the Senior Games.  This person would work with David.
Robson communities are going to have a monthly tournament.  We need two people to coordinate this rotating competition.  Contact Rich Pokorsky if you are interested in volunteering.

Member Training- Lenny has been doing a great job with Beginner I and II lessons.  George Mynatt is planning to do Transitional Round Robins for people who have completed Assisted Play but aren’t comfortable with regular Round Robins yet.  We will reserve 14 courts from 8-10 AM for Round Robins on Wednesday mornings.  Courts 15 and 16 will be available for drop-in play.
Intermediate Assisted Play- Denny and Kathy Myers have set up 3 sessions.  This is for people who have good solid skills and have played for 1 year.  This is a 1-time lesson, not a series of 3 lessons. 
Advanced Round Robin- Women 3.5 or higher- tournament or official rating; 4.0 Men or higher are invited to play.  Because there aren’t enough Quail Creek players at those levels, outside people have been invited to give competition for our players. These outside players contribute $1 towards balls when they play. 

Volunteers are needed for parties, assisted play, and round robins.  Sign-up sheets are available.  Pick a sheet to sign up for.

Our next Membership Meeting will be on February 16, 2017.  At that Annual Meeting, we will need to approve the budget and next year’s activities.

At this meeting, we hold elections.
David thanked the officers and committee chairs who have helped make the Club run smoothly.
David presented the slate proposed by the Nominating Committee:
            Jean Bustard, President
            Karen Morse, Treasurer
            Linda von Felder, Secretary (1-year term to complete Ruth Maki’s term)
            John Hughes will continue as Vice President
A motion was made to approve the slate of nominees.  A voice vote indicated that everyone was in favor of approving the new officers.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:26.
A Keynote Address followed by Mark Renneson who explained what observers should look for when watching the National Tournament in Casa Grande next week.

Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Maki, Secretary

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